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new wine in old bottles

Writer's picture: Markus SommerMarkus Sommer

New "green power plants", the #harmfuldust remains...

In the neighboring country, a gas turbine is currently being rebuilt so that it can also partially process #hydrogen, a very interesting and of course commendable project.

Everything is being modernized, but most likely the #insulation based on 1980s technologies will be retained as far as possible (right side of the turbine in the picture above).

What is really worrying, however, is the (conscious/unconscious) neglect of occupational health and safety.

On similar, indeed on many more or less identical turbines, hexavalent chromium deposits (calcium chromate, CaCrO4, Carc. 1B; H350, H410) can be detected with the naked eye - provided that occupational health and safety is taken seriously - but usually no further attention is paid to them.

This is what it looks like, for example, on a turbine of almost the same type in another neighboring country, but the problem also exists in nearly every country, and we will soon report on that, too!

Top row of pictures: chromate formations are already easily recognizable when individual elements of the outer layer are loosened; the so-called "chromium (VI) rapid test" confirms the assumption.


And when everything is swept clean, as in the picture at the top, you pose for a group photo and show the world how green everything will soon be.

In our opinion, the picture should have been somewhat different if the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Hazardous Substances Ordinance had been applied correctly.

After all, if we already have the engines/turbines up and running, and especially if we want to make them more future-friendly, shouldn't we also take the opportunity to correct mistakes from the past?

The adherence to old technologies is irritating because the dangers have been known for a long time and the manufacturers have also pointed out the dangers, albeit with less publicity.

Against better knowledge, however, one remains faithful to old habits and disregards the actually (also in this order binding) applicable


T(echnical measures)

O(rganizational measures)

P(ersonal protective/safety equipment)-

Principle, well-meaning that the exclusively recommended P(ersonal Protective Equipment) is to be worn, although it is known that S(ubstitution) would be possible without further ado and thus "T-O-P" would not have to be used at all after S(ubstitution) has taken place.

Photo credits (above): Hydrogen Tech World

Image credits (gallery): Authors' editorial images

For the legal departments of the companies that feel attacked by this editorial contribution (as so often before):

above text reflects only the personal opinion of the author, without commercial interests.

Similarities to real companies are left to the interpretation of the readers.

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